Friday, September 30, 2011

French Cannons at Fort Leavenworth

Two of four captured French cannons being display on Sheridan and Buford Avenues over looking the Missouri River

Description of the Cannons:

Left cannon:

Name: Le Voyageur 
Inscription on base ring: A DOUAY - PAR - J. BERENGER - 24 - XBRE - 1774 
Inscription on left trunnion: No 12 
Inscription on right trunnion: P 2210

Right Cannon:

Name: Le Vertueux
Inscription on base ring: A DOUAY - PAR - J. BERENGER - 4 - MARS - 1774
Inscription on left trunnion: No 14
Inscription on right trunnion: P 2200

Source:  John Morris CMH

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Historical Tour of Fort Leavenworth (teaser)


The 5-foot tall one-ton bell hanging in the Grant Hall clock tower has a quotation on its side from Major General J. Franklin Bell, the post commander when the bell was installed in 1907. This bell, little known today, is the namesake for the CGSC yearbook. (Source:  Fort Leavenworth, KS Trivia)